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by Dr. Donald DeMarco

It is with the express and very generous permission of Dr. Donald DeMarco that excerpts from his book New Perspectives on Contraception are reproduced on the following pages.

A copy of the book can be purchased for $18.00 (Canadian) by writing directly to Dr. DeMarco, 101 Silversprings Crescent,Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2M 4P3

Dr. DeMarco has been a professor of philosophy at St. Jerome's University in the University of Waterloo since 1970. He is the author of 19 books and innumerable articles in a variety of anthologies, journals, magazines, and newspapers. He is a member of the American Bioethics Advisory Board, and is a Corresponding Member of the Pontifical Academy of Life.

N.B. The following table of contents is reproduced from the book New Perspectives on Contraception. The underlined links will take you to the page(s) related to the topics listed and are those contained in this website. Only portions of the original text concerning those topics will be found in the following pages. No excerpts on a subject matter in the original text will be found on this site where no underlined link is listed. Footnotes are referred to in the text, but are not reproduced.

Table of Contents
1. Contraception and God's Plan

The Natural Law




2. Contraception and Health

Promoting the Pill

The Side-Effects.

Ethics and Ideology
3. Contraception and the Divided Self


Control Over One's Body

The Path to Wholeness


4. Contraception and Compromised Intimacy

Alienated Lovers

Bonding vs. Bondage

Compromised Intimacy
Creative Intimacy
5. Contraception and the Trivialization of Sex

The Importance of Order


The Post pill Paradise

Humanizing Sex
6. Contraception as a Gateway to Abortion

The Rule of Plausibility

The Contraceptive Mentality

Promoting the Contraceptive Mentality

The Effects of the Contraceptive Mentality


7. Contraception and Being a Person

The Human Being as a Person

False Images of the Person

Personhood and Marriage

Personhood and Generosity



8. Contraception and Virtue
The Emergence of Mass-Man
Our Materialistic World
Sex as Dangerous
The Meaning of Chastity
9. Contraception, Revolution, and Prophecy
Two Revolutions
Moral Growth
The Failed Revolution
The Fulfilled Prophecy
10. Contraception and Catholic Teaching
Marriage and the World
Church Teaching on Contraception
Natural Family Planning

[What readers are saying about New Perspectives On Contraception]

2001 Catholics Against Contraception